The main objective of the Early Assistance Unit is that children that have development disorders or are in risk of having them, as difficulties in learning (language, motor, social, cognitive and adaptation) have all what they need to strength their ability of development and confort.
That's why the IMED Early Assistance Unit has the following objectives:
- Reduce the effects of impairment or deficiency about child’s global development.
- Improve, as far as possible, child’s development.
- Introduce the compensation mechanisms, barrier elimination and adaptation to the specific needs.
- Avoid or reduce the appearance of secondary effects or deficiencies or associated, produced by a disorder or a high risk situation.
- Take care and cover the needs and demands of the family and the surrounding in which the child lives.
- Consider the child as an active individual of the intervention.
In our department we deal with all kind of development difficulties such as:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Speach and language delay
- Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity or not
- Pervasive developmental disorders
- Learning difficulties
- Behavior problems
- Syndrom (Down, Asperger, etc)
Unit Coordinators

Paloma Carceller Sauras
IMED Levante, IMED International Center
Early Assitance Unit, Brain Injury Unit

Romina Antón Junquera
IMED Levante, IMED International Center
Speech-language Therapy, Brain Injury Unit, Early Assitance Unit

Dr. Juan Pérez Pérez
IMED Teulada, IMED International Center
Neuropediatry, Pediatrician, Early Assitance Unit

Dr. Nuria Celia Álvarez Hernández
IMED International Center
Child psychology, Early Assitance Unit, Neuropsychology