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IMED Elche’s oncology radiotherapy service take part on the Spanish Brachitherapy Group Consensus meeting

Press Releases | 25 de Octubre de 2019

Last 4th of October, the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla in Santander celebrated the annual meeting of the Spanish Brachitherapy Group (GEB) that belongs to the Radiotherapy Oncology Spanish Society (SEOR).

This event has as main subject the prostate brachytherapy of high dose rate (HDR) in monotherapy, in other words, as exclusive treatment of low risk or intermediate prostate cancer. With this meeting a group agreement was intended to happen for the correct practice in our country.

Among the participant countries,  we could find most of them in Spain as Cruces Hospital in Bilbao, Oncology Catalan Institute from Barcelona, University Hospital La Fe of Valencia and IMED Elche. Dr. Meritxell Vila, Radiotherapy Oncology Head of Service, shared the experience of more than 100 patients treated since 2016 with this technique. Treatment is administered through two sessions of 13,5 G and in two different days, spaced one or two weeks. It is outpatients treatment so the patient is admitted in the morning and later in the afternoon he is discharged.

IMED Elche’s Radiotherapy Oncology Service results were adjusted to what was initially demanded, and because of it the center become referral and leading edge center in monotherapy of prostate cancer in Spain.

  • oncología radioterapica