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Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit

ICARDIO Rehabilitación Cardiaca

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme for 8 weeks

IMED Hospitals offers a cardiac rehabilitation programme that through its multidisciplinary approach and focus improves the quality of life for patients with heart disease and helps prevent new cardiovascular incidents.

The cardiac rehabilitation programme addresses cardiac evaluation with three basic principles: the individualised exercise programme, education in risk factors and psychosocial support.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme beneficiaries

Patients Susceptible for the Cardiac rehabilitation programme include those that have:

  • Suffered an acute myocardial infarction. 
  • Udergone bypass surgery.
  • Suffered heart failure.
  • Coronary stents in place.
  • Some heart valve replacement.
  • Undergone a heart transplant

The programme runs for 8 weeks. The patient starts physical training in the rehabilitation room and acquires healthy cardio habits tailored to their fitness and pathology.

These new habits will serve to help the patient feel better in their daily lives and to prevent possible future cardiac incidents. During the eight weeks, the patient visits the different specialists and train in two weekly sessions in the rehabilitation room.

Rehabilitation sessions are supervised all times by a specialist nurse who monitors the patient's cardiac levels reached during the two hours of physical work.

The process can be completed in the long term under the control of a personal trainer.

Programa de rehabilitación cardiaca

A multidisciplinary team for a comprehensive treatment

The cardiac rehabilitation service consists of a multidisciplinary team composed of cardiologists, skilled nurses, endocrinologists, physicians and rehabilitation psychologists, coordinated by the presence of a cardiologist in order to provide comprehensive care and customised to the needs of each individual patient.